Improvisation Concert Series
Nature, Experience and Memories

13-15 May 2024   
7-9 pm / 19 - 21 Uhr
Concerts start at 8 pm

Konzerte beginnen um 20 Uhr
Tickets 10 Euros
Nature 13 May
Youjin Sung : Gayageum
Yon Natalie Mik : Performance
Fumio Okura : Violin
Experience 14 May
Youjin Sung : Gayageum
Simon Rose : Baritone Saxophone
Memories 15 May
Youjin Sung : Gayageum
Bo-Sung Kim : Janngu
Vincent Laju : Cello

NAITE Line-up: Jung-Jae Kim - saxophone  Andreas Voccia - modular synthDate & Time:

16.06.2023  8 PMTicket: 10 euros

Description:NAITE is a Berlin-based duo that blurs the boundaries between electronic and acoustic, consisting of Andreas Voccia, a German modular synth player, and Jung-Jae Kim, a South Korean saxophonist.

They are exploring new sonic territories and challenging conventional notions of music composition. The duo is described as an interactive improvisation between two distinct mediums – electronic and acoustic – that communicates between distinct physical phenomena, electrons and air/water molecules. Their music is a compound of varied alternative sounds, organic noises, and extended techniques that pushes the boundaries of sonic aesthetics. It features a multi-layered, fluctuating soundscape that is intensely complex and dynamic. The interaction between the electronic and acoustic elements creates a tapestry of varied noises, particles, and colors that overlap and weave together.

NAITE’s performance is an immersive and intellectually stimulating activity of real-time composing. It takes the listener on a journey through a world of profound soundscapes. The duo’s creative process create a unique musical language and innovative approach to music-making. They seek to go beyond traditional notions of sound and instead create something entirely new and exciting.

Kairos - Improvisation Open Air Concert
18.10. 2020 3 pm
1. Ernesto Rodrigues – (Viola)
Guilherme Rodrigues – (Cello)
2. Youjin Sung – (Gayageum)
Vincent Laju – (Cello)
Jin Young Won -  (performance)
Ticket: 5 Euro   John Schehrstr 1 D- 10407 Prenzlerberg
30.07.2020 7:30 pm
You Jin Sung - Gayageum & Fyodor Stepanov - Bass
13.08.2020 7:30 pm
Improvisation KonzertYou Jin Sung - Gayageum & Vincent Lajü - Cello, Shinobue
27.08.2020 7:30 pm
You Jin Sung - Gayageum & Roy Sunak - Bansuri
03. 09. 2020 7:30 pm
You Jin Sung - Gayageum & Hyunju Woo -Sound
04.09.2020 7:30 pm
You Jin Sung - Gayageum & Simon Rose - Baritone Saxophon


New Ritual   Contemporary Shaman Ritual  22.07.2019 8pm

Wir leben in einer Zeit von Umbrüchen und unvorhersehbaren Ereignissen, Gruppen formieren sich, extreme Meinungen leiten verunsicherte Menschen, Grenzen verhärten sich – wir sind „disconnected“. Es gibt einen Bedarf an Zeremonien und Veranstaltungen, die die Menschen zusammenführen können. Rituale, Heilungszeremonien und Energieaustausch scheinen gesellschaftlich eine immer größere Rolle einzunehmen. Musik, Tanz und Bewegung sind eine wichtige Möglichkeit, auf sehr unmittelbare Art und Weise Kontakt zwischen den Menschen herzustellen.

Youjin Sung und SaaWee (Sita Chay & Kim Jihye) führen mit den Instrumenten Violine, Percussion und Gayageum durch einen Abend der spirituellen Reinigung und Heilung. In sechs Teilen präsentieren sie verschiedene Themen, die den Geist öffnen und treiben lassen.

We live in a time of upheavals and unpredictable events, groups are formed, extreme opinions are led by insecure people, boundaries harden – we are disconnected. There is a need for ceremonies and events that can bring people together. Rituals, healing ceremonies and energy exchange seem to play an increasingly important role in society. Music, dance and movement are an important way to establish contact between people in a very direct way.

Youjin Sung and SaaWee (Sita Chay & Kim Jihye) lead with the instruments violin, percussion and gayageum through an evening of spiritual purification and healing. In six parts they present different themes that open the mind and let it drift.

Herzliche Einladung zu einem Abend mit koreanischer Musik & Literatur!
17.05.2019 8 pm

Zum Konzert der klassischen Gayagūm-Spielerin Yujin Seong und Lesung aus dem Buch Der Yalu fließt von Mirok Li am 17.05.2019 um 20 Uhr laden wir Sie herzlich ein:
Yujin Seong hat eine klassische Ausbildung an der Universität in der traditionellen koreanischen Musik absolviert – seit ihrem zwölften Lebensjahr spielt sie das Instrument Gayageūm. Sie spielte als Mitglied mehrerer Ensembles und mit dem Janacek Philharmonie Ostrava. Ebenso trat sie als Solistin in den Konzertprojekten Grida, Gayagūm Duo Projekt Sam, Gayagūm Sanjo nach Choi Ok-Sam in dem Programm Gespielt. Erklärt. Gespielt und Minsok-ak Trommelschlag des Herzens auf. Außerdem wirkte sie als musikalische Leiterin bei den Theaterstücken “Dumb Waiter”, “The Murder in the Cathedral” und “Voice” in verschiedenen Theatern mit. Seit 2014 lebt sie als Gayagūm-Spielerin und als Mitglied des Asian Art Ensemble in Berlin.

Der Roman Der Yalu fließt wurde 1946 von dem koreanischen Autor Mirok Li in Deutschland veröffentlicht – später auch in Übersetzung in Korea. Er gibt eine persönliche Perspektive auf die Geschichte eines jungen Mannes, der sich in der Zeit der japanischen Besetzung einer Unabhängigkeitsbewegung anschließt und daraufhin fliehen muss. Er überquert den Grenzfluss Yalu und sein Weg führt ihn nach Deutschland. Aus der Distanz schaut er zurück auf seine eigene Geschichte.
Im Dialog wechseln sich Lesung und Musik ab und eröffnen verschiedene Betrachtungsweisen auf die koreanische Kultur und Geschichte. Es wird gelesen von Mathias Jurtzig und Yujin Jung.


Presentation of the artists of the first cycle of residences of “Videocrática” in 2019.

In this second year of the exchange program for artistic residencies between Colombia and Germany, Videocrática has received in Berlin between March 14 and April 14 the following Colombian artists: 𝗦𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗿𝗮 𝗥𝗲𝗻𝗴𝗶𝗳𝗼, 𝗔𝗹𝗲𝘅𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗲𝗿 𝗥𝗶𝗼𝘀, and -𝗟𝗮 𝗥𝗮𝗱𝗶𝗼 𝗖𝗿𝗶𝗼𝗹𝗹𝗮- a guest project to the sound creation residency.
Within the framework of Videocrática 2019, residence of audiovisual creation led by El Kruce projects in Bogotá + Kunstrial e.V. In Berlin. For this first cycle of the year we have an exchange agreement with Puerto Contemporáneo, a residence for artistic creation located in Cartagena – Colombia, which will receive an artist living in Berlin selected by Videocrática during the month of June of this year.

In addition to the presentation of projects in residence, we will also show some of the audiovisual projects that were part of the official video art program of PANORAMA COLOMBIA, the fifth version of the Colombian Film Festival in Berlin that took place from April 14 to 17. A gift to all those video art lovers who could not attend Panorama Colombia.


Cultural Traveller Date: March 7, 2019
Time: starts 7 p.m.
Venue: project space KIMGO
John-Schehr-Straße 1, 10407 Berlin

Curator: Wei-Wei Wang
Organizers: Jinran Kim, Stephanie Fenner
Artist: Andreas Walther
Artist: Walter Yu
In a global era such as now, encountering people from another country, culture and language background has become more and more common in our lives. Despite the utopian hope of ours to be world citizens, it’s our humanly tendency to look at people whom we don’t know with stereotypes-lenses.

However, living in two culture sectors are becoming more and more common nowadays for the reasons of business and study. Those experiences of living in different cultures enable us to create more than one culture database in our heart and on our mind to understand this world.

This is an era of cultural travelers. Each one of us is an unique existence. It’s fairly normal that we have different opinions on things with people from the same culture and language backgrounds. Not to mention with people from miles away. In order to reach the utopia of mankind, listen to each other’s stories with heart and embrace the differences among us seem to be the only key. Are you ready to be a cultural traveler? Brace yourself with an open mind, we are about to take off.

Requirements to the guests:
You are invited to join an evening of music, art and food from different cultures. Please prepare a dish or drink that can represent your identity. We will have time to introduce you through the dish. But please still feel welcome to come if you cannot prepare it on time.

Welcome to the Cultural Travelers Event!
